Our Doctors

Our doctors hold the degree of Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.). Each is board certified and specializes in the area of Family Medicine. In addition to seeing patients in the office, our doctors have admitting privileges to several of the areas largest hospitals.

Find out more about our doctors 

What is a D.O.?

Most people are unaware that there are in fact two different types of physicians in the United States, allopathic physicians (The M.D.’s), and osteopathic physicians, (The D.O.’s). Both D.O.’s and M.D.’s are fully qualified physicians who are licensed to prescribe medications and perform surgery. There are both similarities and differences. D.O.’s emphasize primary care in their training (pediatrics, family medicine, and internal medicine), although you will find many D.O.’s in all fields of medicine from dermatology to neurosurgery. Osteopathic physicians focus on wellness and preventive health care and focus on a holistic philosophy on health care. Osteopathic physicians believe in treating the patient rather than specific symptoms to illnesses. D.O.’s also receive extra training in the neuromusculoskeletal system (nerves, muscles, and bones), and have a better understanding of the ways that an injury or illness in one part of your body can affect other parts. 

Our Staff

We have a large team of clinicians, technicians, and office staff. Together with our doctors we can provide the most comprehensive and integrated treatment services for you and your family. 

Dr. Jeffrey Kraft

Family Medicine

Dr. Kraft is a board certified family practitioner. He is dedicated to serving his patients by providing quality medical care for all ages ranging from toddlers to senior citizens. Most people find that his practical approach includes a comfortable atmosphere and a sincere regard for their health. Possessing genuine concern, he works diligently to diagnose and treat his patients.

Dr. Kraft graduated from the College of Osteopathic Medicine in Des Moines, IA and completed his internship at St. John Oakland, formally Martin Place Hospital. He is an active member of the American Osteopathic Association, the Michigan Osteopathic Association, Macomb County Osteopathic Association, and the College of Osteopathic Practitioners and Family Medicine.

“Having grown up on the northwest side of Detroit, I decided I wanted to help people in my home town community. After 34 years of practicing family medicine at Ryan Medical Associates, I’ve developed personal relationships with many of my patients. I’ve had the privilege of caring for several generations of families. I am very proud of my associates and plan to continue to provide the most up-to-date and personal service for my patients.”

Dr. Kraft is affiliated with St.John Oakland and Macomb, Wm.Beaumont Troy and Royal Oak and Bi-County/Henry Ford Hospitals. Dr. Kraft is also an on-site physician at Courtyard Manor Extended Care Facility located in Farmington Hills. 

Dr. Kevin Agrest

Family Medicine

Dr. Agrest is a board certified family practitioner, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of patients of all ages from newborns to senior citizens. When patients come to his office, they know that they will see a doctor who is dedicated to serving their best interests. He takes time to listen to his patients and is known for treating them like family.

Dr. Agrest’s practice provides a professional and friendly atmosphere where patients feel comfortable. On-site services such as x-rays, laboratory, EKG and pulmonary functions are available.

Dr. Agrest received his medical education from Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed both his internship and Family Medicine residency at Garden City Hospital. He holds professional memberships in the American Osteopathic Association, the Michigan Osteopathic Association, and the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. 

A perfect place for you

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